#pictures with deep meaning
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fluentisonus · 4 months ago
do you think valjean or javert ever had an old man moment at the barricade like damn, kids these days weren't even alive during the french revolution
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uncontrol-freak · 8 months ago
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good-beanswrites · 29 days ago
Happy 0203 day ❄️🔥🎉 I don't know if these are specifically meant for ships, but have a little platonic normal au thing I wrote of them hanging out and being silly :3
Yuno narrowed her eyes to study the shirt she was holding up to her unwilling model.
She angled her head, undisturbed. “You don’t get any say in this.”
“I get all the say in this – they’re my clothes!”
“And it’s my birthday gift to you. So zzzzzzzzip!” she mimed zipping her lips, though she knew Fuuta was incapable of any such thing. She pulled the shirt away from him. “There’s nothing wrong with this one! It’s cute.”
“That’s exactly what’s wrong with it.”
She thought it would have been harder to convince Fuuta to come along on a mall trip this close to his birthday, but he’d answered her text almost instantly. He said he’d allow her to buy one pair of fancy sunglasses, and only so he’d have something cool to wear once he could take his eyepatch off. That one pair became two, then added clothes to match, then a handful, and now they stood beside a massive stack of items she was considering.
“Just try it~”
Yuno gave him a gentle push towards the dressing room. She could only laugh as he went spewing complaints the whole way in. 
A few minutes went by and she busied herself with sorting the clothes they’d looked at, pairing up tops and bottoms and jackets and scarves. Fuuta would probably tease her for shallowness if she admitted how much she enjoyed activities like this, but there was something about it that just lifted her mood. Shopping trips with her classmates left her feeling a bit hollow, but Fuuta’s wildly honest commentary always made it more fun. 
Right as she was starting to feel a twinge of impatience, he crept out. He was still clutching the shirt and hoodie he’d removed, covering up most of his chest. Yuno eased it out of his hands, leaving him with an expression of utter panic.
“It’s awful.”
“Are you kidding?” She pressed her hand to her cheek. “It’s super fun!”
He was looking less at the new shirt, and more at the people passing by, or checking over his shoulder, or down at the floor. Restless hands tugged at the collar, then the hem. It was certainly more form-fitting than his usual picks. 
As much as Yuno liked the look, she didn’t want the poor guy completely folding in on himself. 
She made a grand swing of her arms, ending in an X. “I like it, but I suppose we’ll add that to the ‘no’ pile.”
“What pile…?”
“I mean, you still have to try these on.” She scooped up the stack of clothes beside her and dropped the whole heavy mess into Fuuta’s arms.
“Eh? Which ones?”
“All of them.”
“All of them? Are you fucking –!”
He tried to protest, but his raising voice caught the attention of some other shoppers. His face burned red and he practically sprinted back inside before he could retrieve his original clothes from Yuno.
She folded them neatly over her arm, no longer excited that it forced him to try something else on.
Had she been too much? She thought this was something fun for him, but he was genuinely uncomfortable just then. What if, all this time, she’d only been projecting her own enjoyment onto their outing? Her stomach sank. She knew he took up her invitation so quickly because he didn’t have any other plans. She’d completely taken advantage of his loneliness – dragging him out here just for her to have a blast while he had no other option.
His phone buzzed from the hoodie pocket. 
He still hadn’t come out of the dressing room. So, he really was that uncomfortable. She bowed her head at her selfishness. They’d go right home, once he returned. 
His phone kept buzzing. Yuno glanced down in its direction.
She was never one to poke her nose where it didn’t belong. In her defense, this wasn’t a good sign given Fuuta’s history. She fished it out of the pocket, promising herself just one peek, for his own good.
A groupchat was firing off notifications.
@ fuuta where are you?
he said he was ditching, remember?
are you serious?
Broooo I thought he was kidding…
He’s out with a girl FR? No way, I still think he’s lying
you know you forfeit your spot if youre not here when we start the tournament
He was so hyped for this 💀 
must be quite the girl, huh
cmon man, we need you!
I can’t believe he’s finally touching grass 🙏
happy for you man
“Is that my phone?”
Yuno nearly dropped it in surprise. “I – uh, it was going off, and –”
“Sorry.” He snatched it away without even glancing at the screen. “So?”
“So…?” Her heart raced with the panic of getting caught. He looked at her like she’d gone insane.
“What do you think of this thing?” He gestured to the new shirt he’d put on. “This was all your idea, but if you don’t want to be here as much as I don’t, we can –”
“No.” Her face broke into a smile. She exhaled. “No, I’m really glad we’re here.”
He blinked at the sudden warmth in her voice. “O-okay.”
“And I think it looks perfect. Really suits you~” It made sense he’d pick this one next; it sat right within his usual style. “Ooh, ooh! Why don’t we keep alternating things in your comfort zone! That would definitely help.” 
“Or we could just buy this one and be done with it.”
She kept her expression neutral. “Do you have somewhere else to be?”
His face was obscured as he headed back to the dressing room. “I wish,” he spat, “but I’m fucking stuck with you.”
Yuno couldn’t help it as her smile spread even wider. 
She called after him, “hey, try on that colorblock one next.” 
“Ugh. It’s ugly. And asymmetric.”
“So’s your face. Put it on.”
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mechazushi · 1 month ago
So I just thought about something....
Kafka is Thirty two, currently. And by currently I mean when the manga first aired which was 2020.
If Kaiju Number Eight followed our time line Exactly, that would make him born in 1988.
Which would make him 27 in 2015.
But Kaiju Number Eight Doesn't follow our current time line. What I mean is that it wasn't 2020 in their world when the manga first released.
I could be VERY WRONG on this, but I think I read somewhere that Matsumoto had gone on record to say that Kaiju Number Eight takes place in a fairly close-ish, but in a still futuristicly far year. (Please correct me if I'm wrong so I can delete the post and hope no one remembers that I was wrong.)
If that IS the case. Then Kafka's birth would have to be pushed forward a certain amount.
What I'm trying to say is...
If I stretch the logic far enough...
It's entirely plausible...
That Kafka grew up knowing how to DAB.
And that fucking scares me.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year ago
I meant to post this when I had my annual watch of Over the Garden Wall in October, but then I never did because I think I partly forgot and partly was worried about being annoying. But y’know I still love this show and want to share it, so here you have it.
My favorite Over the Garden Wall moments (at least all the ones I could find in gif form):
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unordinary-diary · 7 months ago
Blyke and John: the Followup
In my last entry, I pointed out the similarities between chapters 249 and 121, but I had hit the image limit and wasn’t able to embed screenshots. I got around this by linking the chapters, but this is probably my favorite parallel, and to do it justice I think I need to really put them next to each other.
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It’s the same fucking scene but backwards and in a different font.
They’re the SAAAAAAAAAAME!!!!!!!!
This was definitely on purpose. Shit like this ^^ doesn’t happen by accident.
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year ago
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Nal in Ming Dynasty hanfu!! just wanted to put my pretty girl in a pretty outfit
closeups below the cut :))
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ratatatastic · 3 months ago
there has to be something about the way they made the marrieds swap partners to test the sanctity of their marriage before the public and THEY BOTH FAILED TREMENDOUSLY
"me and bark (delighted tittering little school girl giggles as he reminisces on the one who got away)"
"OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT MISSILE!!! two best looking guys on the team! (slobbering in his mouth)"
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nevertheless-moving · 2 years ago
But Peter Parker (no not that one, the other — yeah that guy) does actually have an OnlyAdmirer’s account though.
He doesn’t remember exactly when he started it — sometime after losing the job at the pizza place and before picking up the tutoring hours; he remembered he was short for one of Aunt May’s prescriptions that month, but isn’t sure anymore which one it was. Sometime during college.
Low ebb on crime that week, which meant he wasn’t making much from the Bugle, but he did have some extra time, enough to take a deep breathand set up the encyptions on his account (he should probably go this hard for all his spiderman stuff too, but eh, it had been fine so far).
He wears a mask (no not that one, though he did consider it because, you know, it would be freaking hilarious).
He pulls...a grand, whopping total of.... $100 a month. Wahoo.
Ok, maybe a little more on average; and sometimes its up to $200! It’s just worth the fees and the time, and after a while he has to admit it’s less stressful than any of his other gigs.
At first he’s paranoid about someone finding out, both in his personal life and his superheroics (he has, like, 10 self righteous rants prepared about the moral neutrality, nay the moral Good of sex work).
(He’s a little disappointed that it never comes up.} Eventually he doesn't think about it, especially not on patrol, not any more than he thinks about the taco shop, or the GrubHob gig, or any of the bazillion odd jobs that come with working class heroics. Eventually he doesn’t think not to mention it, and the set-up was perfect for him to — ok— sue him, he might have been trying to sound cool in front of an X-Man who was laughing at his jokes— He, uh. May have forgotten. How much X-Men gossip. It’s not like it would have been a big deal had the press event not happened two days later, and— why do other people always get a laugh when they repeat his jokes anyway!
Plus! He was on maybe two hours sleep when the tabloid asked him point blank and for a moment he was so wrapped in the euphoria of a non-Bugle rag interviewing him, and also not yelling at him for damages or anything serious, that he forgot he lived in a world where sex-work was stigmatized so— yeah. Good news! His secret identities are still fine, no-one’s even figured out which OnlyAccount is his. Bad news! Because his secret identity’s still intact, and noone’s figured out which twink is spiderpowered, he’s still only going to make $134 this month, which is barely more than minimum wage when you include prep time.
Other good news! Most fun he’s ever had explaining something from the internet to Jonah.
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krumpkin · 14 days ago
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I've seen this come up many times over the years 🙄
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a-s-levynn · 2 years ago
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#sleep token#here is a thing#there are certain moments when Vessel looks.. no he rather feels.. small#i mean his.. aura? presence? but not in the non-captivating way but as in an emotionally vulnerable way#i don't really have the words to describe this but just like on this picture#bear with me for a minute because this is either gonna sound completely unhinged or make some sort of sense#it's probably just me having a little more time on my hand than i should and just want to see things but..#sometimes he feels so present in a here-i-am as-i-am take-me-as-you-will this-is-all-i-am i-can't-give-more-nor-less it's-just-me sorta way#he feels so human in the rawest sense possible and yet so deep in character maybe even more so than when he creatures or teefs and all#like.. he is just vessel in it's simplicity and without the 'divine' if you will.. simply just vessel#in his barest of existance#a shadow of someone who used to be but not quite anymore#he is in pieces and it is willingly laid bare under the mask and all that bodypaint oh so clear to see for anyone#and that is not the outstreched hand of you-are-not-alone but the outstreched soul that cries you-can-find-yourself-in-me#and that is what i find so heartbreaking about him#this kind if raw openness because the lore says vessel is a conduit for sleep#for us vessel (and the the others) is the conduit of our emotions#and he is there somewhere inbetween the truths#just him a simple human being who sometimes seems to wish not to be human which makes him more human than anything#and that is what i can't describe better than 'sometimes he feels small' and at time even maybe makes me cry a little
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unriding · 2 months ago
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(early) zevie day sketchy !!!!! for u !!!!!!! ohhh how i love zevie (and moevie) !!!!! i hope you have the best best best ever day full of love bc you deserve it - truly and honestly!! you're one of the sweetest souls i've had the pleasure of knowing ... thank you for being you <3 mwah mwah xoxo
venus ?!?! i will respond to your art in my tags ( i am sorry for the length of them in advance ) but oh i love you !! i think i will queue this like 30 minutes before midnight because i am losing my mind ahsndjdjd !!! ??? venus every time i see you, i feel so .. safe ?! and so comfortable ? and happy ? i truly love this special air you have .. i love you !! i have been so happy to be your mootie … thank you for making me feel so loved 🥺 and thank you for being in my life! and thank you for being so cute and so sweet and so lovely and so — JANSNJDKD thank you!!! 🥺🥺🤍✨✨
#彡 evie’s 21st!#彡 queue!#彡 inbox.#彡 venus!#the happy zevie day being in one of my favorite colors ever i will sob venus !!! ): AND ))): THE SWIRLY BLUSHIES ?!?!?!?! !! ITS ON MOZE TO#we are so close … his face is so close …… venus we are kiss distance i will explode into pieces — but before i do !! we absolutely must tal#about your lovely art style !!! i remember my first comm from you — i had been so nervous talking to you ( for why ?? when you are so kind#!! ) and then when you sent the final … I HAD TO GO FOR A RUN TO EASE MY MIND SJSNDNJDJD oh my goodness your art does things to me !!!!! i#remember when i first followed you — you were fulfilling some art requests and i was like . is it weird if i scream in her tags . is it ?!?#BUT YOUR ART IS SO PRETTY AND I 🥺🥺🥺 and you are also such a skilled writer … there is so much to love you and admire about you venus !!!!!#VENUS I LOOK SO HAPPY !!!!! i don’t quite remember the pictures i sent you for my first comm — but i do have a picture of myself in a pose#very similar to this !!!! I LOVE YOU . i love …. is it bad of me to say that i love how you draw me ??? hmmm … i love how you draw in#general then !!!! AND YOU ADDED THE HEADBAND THING FROM MY COMMS I ))): the little details … i see the bow !!! i will cry into my hands OMG#and moze …. I AM SQUISHING HIS CHEEKS . THE DREAM HAS COME TRUE !!!!! AFTER ADMIRING HIS SQUISHABLE CHEEKS FOR FAR TOO LONG …….. deep down#I AM SCREAMING INSIDE BECAUSE ?? i am touching his !!! face !!!!!!! his pretty face !!!! HIS SQUISHY FACE WILL FOREVER BE MY FAVORITE BIT#OF HIM SOB ))): THANK YOU VENUS !!!!! he looks like the cutest grump here !!!!!! alas i will call him sunshine crow again :]#omg … you added his insanely long lower lashes 🥺🥺🥺 i love you venus … this means so much to me sob …. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART#he is so lovely in your style !!!!!!!!! I WILL SPRINT AT UNGODLY SPEEDS TO WRAP YOU IN A GINORMOUS BEAR HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#you are truly too kind !!! ( also — i am typing tags and then staring … and then typing tags … and then staring !!! )#( it seems i cannot take my eyes off of it for very long lol !!!! ) AGH ))): I MUST FRAME THIS . ON MY DESK . VENUS’S MOEVIE GIFT )): I LOV#YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH … WISHING YOU THE LOVELIEST DAY EVER ))))))): SNIFFLE SOB
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zu-writes · 4 months ago
Guys... Would I be silly to design Logan and Wade's townhouse from my fic in the Sims?
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vorakh · 10 months ago
sorry disco elysium you will always be a queen in my heart but you made me want to get better, while pathologic gave me at least one mental illness ):
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ilkkawhat · 4 months ago
was literally about to post a gifset, and said "you know what this needs? more purple" and i've never felt more self aware
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